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Router configuration

Found exposes a number of router component class factories at varying levels of abstraction. These factories accept the static configuration properties for the router, such as the route configuration. The use of static configuration allows for efficient, parallel data fetching and state management as above.


createBrowserRouter creates a basic router component class that uses the HTML5 History API for navigation. This factory uses reasonable defaults that should fit a variety use cases.

import { createBrowserRouter } from "found";

const BrowserRouter = createBrowserRouter({

renderError: ({ error }) => (
<div>{error.status === 404 ? "Not found" : "Error"}</div>

ReactDOM.render(<BrowserRouter />, document.getElementById("root"));

createBrowserRouter takes an options object. The only mandatory property on this object is routeConfig, which should be a route configuration as above.

The options object also accepts a number of optional properties:

  • historyMiddlewares: Middleware[] - an array of Farce history middlewares; by default, an array containing only queryMiddleware
  • historyOptions: Omit<HistoryEnhancerOptions, 'protocol' | 'middlewares'>; - additional configuration options for the Farce history store enhancer
  • renderPending: (args: RenderPendingArgs) => React.ReactElement;: a custom render function called when some routes are not yet ready to render, due to those routes have unresolved asynchronous dependencies and no route-level render method for handling the loading state
  • renderReady: (args: RenderPendingArgs) => React.ReactElement;: a custom render function called when all routes are ready to render
  • renderError: (args: RenderPendingArgs) => React.ReactElement;: a custom render function called if an HttpError is thrown while resolving route elements
type RenderPendingArgs = Match;
interface Match<TContext = any> {
location: LocationDescriptor; // The current [location object](
params: Params; // The union of path parameters for all matched routes
routes: RouteObject[]; // An array of all matched route objects
route: RouteObject; // The route object corresponding to this component
routeParams: Params[]; // The path parameters for `route`
routeIndices: RouteIndices;
context: TContext;
  • render: (args: RenderArgs) => React.ReactElement;: a custom render function called in all cases, superseding renderPending, renderReady, and renderError; by default, this is createRender({ renderPending, renderReady, renderError }: CreateRenderOptions)

The renderPending, renderReady, renderError, and render functions receive the routing state object as an argument, with the following additional properties:

  • elements: RenderArgsElements;: if present, an array the resolved elements for the matched routes; the array item will be null for routes without elements
  • error: HttpError: if present, the HttpError object thrown during element resolution with properties describing the error
    • status: number: the status code; this is the first argument to the HttpError constructor
    • data: any: additional error data; this is the second argument to the HttpError constructor

You should specify a renderError function or otherwise handle error states. You can specify renderPending and renderReady functions to indicate loading state globally; the global pending state example demonstrates doing this using a static container.

The created <BrowserRouter> accepts an optional matchContext: any prop as described above that injects additional context into the route resolution methods.


createFarceRouter exposes additional configuration for customizing navigation management and route element resolution. To enable minimizing bundle size, it omits some defaults from createBrowserRouter.

import { BrowserProtocol, queryMiddleware } from "farce";
import { createFarceRouter, resolver } from "found";

const FarceRouter = createFarceRouter({
historyProtocol: new BrowserProtocol(),
historyMiddlewares: [queryMiddleware],

renderError: ({ error }) => (
<div>{error.status === 404 ? "Not found" : "Error"}</div>

<FarceRouter resolver={resolver} />,

The options object for createFarceRouter should have a historyProtocol property that has a history protocol object. For example, to use the HTML History API as with createBrowserRouter, you would provide new BrowserProtocol().

The created <FarceRouter> manages setting up and providing a Redux store with the appropriate configuration internally. It also requires a resolver prop with the route element resolver object. For routes configured as above, this should be the resolver object in this library.


createConnectedRouter creates a router that works with an existing Redux store and provider.

import {
Actions as FarceActions,
} from "farce";
import {
} from "found";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import { combineReducers, compose, createStore } from "redux";

/* ... */

const store = createStore(
found: foundReducer,
protocol: new BrowserProtocol(),
middlewares: [queryMiddleware],
createMatchEnhancer(new Matcher(routeConfig))


const ConnectedRouter = createConnectedRouter({
render: createRender({
renderError: ({ error }) => (
<div>{error.status === 404 ? "Not found" : "Error"}</div>

<Provider store={store}>
<ConnectedRouter resolver={resolver} />

Found uses redux and react-redux as direct dependencies for the convenience of users not directly using Redux. If you are directly using Redux, either ensure that you have the same versions of redux and react-redux installed as used in Found, or use package manager or bundler resolutions to force Found to use the same versions of those packages that you are using directly. Found is compatible with any current release of redux or react-redux.

When creating a store for use with the created <ConnectedRouter>, you should install the foundReducer reducer under the found key. You should also use a store enhancer created with createHistoryEnhancer from Farce and a store enhancer created with createMatchEnhancer, which must go after the history store enhancer. Dispatch FarceActions.init() after setting up your store to initialize the event listeners and the initial location for the history store enhancer.

createConnectedRouter ignores the historyProtocol, historyMiddlewares, and historyOptions properties on its options object.

createConnectedRouter also accepts an optional getFound property. If you installed foundReducer on a key other than found, specify the getFound function to retrieve the reducer state.